
A New Marketing Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is defined as a technology that overlaps physical and digital worlds. Pokémon Go is a perfect example of how this technology is being used in the wild, and the success that can be achieved through AR. Marketers are now tapping into AR to fuel campaigns and propel the future of marketing.

In Market Guide For AR, Gartner predict both consumer and business AR will mature and we will see consolidation over the next 18 to 24 months in both software and hardware. Here are the main takeaways in how AR is emerging as one of the hottest tech trends:

AR is broken down into two categories.

AR is divided into consumer AR and business AR. The consumer market is still in the experimental phase and the market has not figured out the best way to reach consumers.

AR-tech producers are providing an AR application focused on business.

The leading AR-tech producers are HP Aurasma, Blippar, and Catchoom, who provide an openly available usable AR application focused on business use.

The hardware and software needs improvement.

Gartner believes it will take 5 to 10 years before hardware and software will be at a level to provide a “seamlessly interchangeable experience.”

Fashion and privacy remain two main challenges of mass adoption.

The main challenges of AR technology are fashion and privacy. Users do not like being tracked with a camera that’s always on and developers need to balance aesthetics and functionality.

There’s no denying that AR will become yet another channel for marketers to reach new audiences. To learn more about AR, check out the full report Market Guide for AR.

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