
Anxious Spender? New Covid-19 Consumer Types Emerge

The pandemic has brought out fascinating new Covid-19 consumers and behaviors. Chances are you’ve surprised yourself in this area. Have you stashed cash in the mattress like grandpa used to do? Were you outed on your neighborhood’s Nextdoor as a toilet paper hoarder? Have you treated yourself to some luxury buys you would never have considered before (granted, that bespoke banjo seemed like the lynchpin of a great new social distancing hobby, although you have yet to open the box)?

It’s OK if you have. You’re statistically normal, at least according to Ernst & Young.

EY researchers have IDed four new types of consumer behaviors brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. The segments are fairly evenly split, which can complicate things for brands trying to pivot to keep up.

See if you recognize yourself—and your customers—in these four types:

But wait, there’s more. While 42% of Covid-19 consumers believe the way they shop will permanently change due to the pandemic, these four crisis-level behaviors won’t stick around, of course.

Instead they’ll morph into five distinct post-pandemic types:

EY offers interactive charts and more details about these categories on its Future Consumer Index page.

Of course, merely acknowledging that consumer patterns and attitudes have changed is one thing. Staying on top of those trends and balancing them with factors like changing market share, workforce challenges, supply chain disruptions, and renewed importance on UX and the online user experience are others. You can expect EY to update its Future Consumer Index research as the situation wears on while other resources like Nielsen Consumer Insights and McKinsey & Company report on how these trends and challenges balance out in the long run.

Image by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay

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