
Creativity and utility: Ian Greenleigh, Data.World

It’s harder for brands to stand out today, because there are more competitors in the market, but it’s simpler to create marketing that stands out because there are more tools to be creative, said Ian Greenleigh, director of marketing at Data.World.

“Most marketers are phoning it in. They’re not being particularly creative,” Greenleigh told Velocitize Talks. “These days you can actually stand out just by applying a modicum of creativity.”

Most marketers are thinking about their numbers and their companies’ goals first, not their audiences, said Greenleigh. If the brand’s content provides utility, it’s not hard to stand out, he said: Consumers know if the content they are seeing is useful for them and if it’s not, they will be ambivalent and ignore it.

“It’s easier than ever to influence people,” said Greenleigh. “You have more competitors than ever, but it’s easier.”

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