
3 Ways Google Duplex Will Shake Up Digital Marketing

Whether you’re a digital agency, an enterprise, or a small business, it’s critical that you stay up-to-date on the latest marketing innovations. Google Duplex, an artificial intelligence reservation system, is one of the latest developments, and its entrance into the technology industry is likely to have a significant impact on the future of marketing.

In simple terms, Google Duplex enables consumers to set up reservations and appointments over the phone with the aid of a human-like AI system. The software works with the help of a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) which enables the system to cope with the challenges of natural, human conversation. It also works alongside other solutions, such as Google Assistant and search engines, to improve the User Experience (UX). Perhaps most surprisingly, the software was developed with the help of a few open-source tools, including WaveNet and TensorFlow.

Google Duplex is quite adaptive, which means it can be used to set up appointments and reservations for a wide range of businesses and services such as mechanics, salons, restaurants, hotels, doctor or dental offices and online agencies that provide appointments and services.

This software can be used by many other types of businesses, including creative and marketing agencies. It offers potential benefits for just about anyone in the customer service industry.

While it may seem simple at first glance, there’s a lot more to Google Duplex than meets the eye. Let’s take a closer look at how it will affect the future of marketing, as well as what you can do to prepare for the inevitable changes.

  1. It Will Revamp the Customer Service Experience

An exemplary customer service experience is one of the best things you can offer your customers. In fact, it’s been shown that consumers will even spend more for better service. Google Duplex can offer this to your customers in various ways.

Duplex relies less on humans, for example, which ensures a consistent and and more readily-available experience for callers. At the same time, the more natural and adaptive approach provides a “human” feel that current solutions are typically lacking.

Best of all, creating a positive experience for your customers is made easy with Google Duplex. For example, you can:

Overall, you’ll want to focus on incorporating both AI and human elements into your customer service interactions, to ensure that your audience receives the best of both worlds.

  1. It Will Increasingly Rely on Automated Voice Search

The use of Google Duplex will likely help to make voice search more commonplace. This is because the software relies heavily on Google Android, the operating system (OS) that also assists in Google’s voice search technology. You can recognize this in the way Duplex relies on natural speech patterns, as well as how it collects business data (over the phone and online) using its own voice technology.

All of this means that optimizing your website for voice searches is key. To ensure your website is ready, we recommend that you:

While you shouldn’t focus solely on AI when writing your site’s content, it should factor into a lot of your decisions. These include your website’s search function, as well as how your content will appear on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

  1. It May Eventually Transform Data Collection

One way that Google Duplex may transform data collection is by making it easier to get data from your target audience. This includes basic details, such as demographics, and more complex data including previous purchases, past searches, and more.

After all, the technology uses a conversational approach that’s more likely to prompt genuine responses. The software’s AI may also be “trained” to ask more questions about consumer needs in appropriate settings.

To be sure you’re ready for the future of data collection, you’ll want to:

In the future, you may be able to eventually harness the power of Google Duplex’s AI for your own data collection needs. However, it’s important to see how the software fares on the consumer side first.

Artificial intelligence has played an ever-increasing role in online marketing, and the introduction of Google Duplex is just one more way that AI will contribute to its eventual transformation. This is why it’s crucial to make the proper changes to your business setup now, in order to ensure its continued success in the industry.

Do you have any questions about Google Duplex and what it could mean for your business? Let us know in the comments section below!

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