
Playing with Technology: Jim Bowes, Manifesto

The world of digital agencies has broadened in recent years, as clients and agencies rethink their remit in bigger terms, beyond being client-centered. Agencies are now focused on the strategy behind customer journeys and user experience, said Jim Bowes, CEO and founder of London agency Manifesto.

Brand agencies had always had those conversations, but “in digital we were always focused on making stuff,” Bowes told Velocitize Talks. But as more tools come available—such as visual search, machine learning and AI—brands will need to create more seamless experiences to interact with consumers: “It’s about being able to support many channels,” said Bowes.

Agencies need to play around with the technology and try to hack new uses, as well as getting the brand experts to become comfortable with them. That way, they can collaborate on new ways to use the technology to benefit the brand: “As agencies, our job is to be the people who are learning and experimenting with technology.”

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