It can be as simple as delivering a hot pizza, but brand purpose is a cornerstone of brands, said Tasha Cronin, co-director of interactive production at Droga5. Purpose doesn’t have to be a political stand, but any stand a brand takes must match its actions, Cronin told Velocitize Talks
Insights give agencies an edge, said Cronin. The knowledge of consumers, combined with creative execution puts agencies ahead of production companies or even in-house agencies, she said. “It really comes down to simple strategy, that’s the key.”
Consumers are swamped with content today, so brands need to take time to become more selective, learn how consumers use their time and engage there, said Cronin. Generational preferences in content are now affecting the real world, she said.
Experiential marketing faces a number of hurdles, starting with explaining its impact to marketers who may not understand how the quality of impressions outdoes the passive reach of traditional media like TV, said Cronin. It requires “a bit of a leap of faith,” she said.
But data—both quantitative and qualitative—is key, even for “the most warm, organic-feeling campaigns we may do around sausages,” said Cronin. Even if you want to build a disruptive campaign, know the rules before you break them, she said.
Conversely, brands need to approach both storytelling and data gathering carefully, said Cronin. “Gone are the days you allow a brand to scrape your Facebook profile,” for targeted advertising, she said: “People are a lot more knowledgeable and wary about who they share their data with.”
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