More often than not, if you take the time to listen to clients, you’ll uncover these little gems.
Tayo Onabule is Co-Founder and Head of Product at Luna London, an award-winning creative agency driven by story-first thinking. Onabule is also Chief Technology Officer at Provenanced. Luna London has worked with such top brands as PepsiCo, Mozilla, Intel, and Android Authority.
In this episode of Velocitize Talks, Onabule shares his thoughts on listening to clients, story-first thinking, headless technology, and what he would change in the industry.
Talking Headless (3:21)
The exciting thing about headless is that you get all of that speed that loads in an instant, plus all the flexibility in terms of content management that we’ve all come to know and love from WordPress.
Luna recently developed a new website and streamlined mobile experience for Android Authority built on Headless WordPress. Site speed dramatically increased and ultimately led to more conversions. In decoupling content management from development, Onabule said that they were both able to do what they needed to do.
The use of headless technology allows companies to take advantage of new tools that can easily publish content across multiple platforms, such as smart devices, voice assistants and mobile apps. Headless WordPress can provide customized content and a richer digital experience from front to back, literally.
A recent WP Engine survey, The State of Headless: A Global Research Report, found that 64% of enterprise organizations are already using a headless approach, up from 25% in 2019.
“You’re able to craft the user experience around your specific users even faster and make those iterations happen a lot quicker than on plain WordPress,” Onabule says.
In AI We Trust (6:12)
One of the most interesting things moving forward is definitely the machine learning. It opens up possibilities of some really interesting stuff that we previously wouldn’t have been able to do.
A comprehensive study conducted by WP Engine on leveraging Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to create better digital experiences found that company values and the intrinsic value of AI itself are directly linked. As of 2019, 93.5% of brands saw a positive ROI on the AI systems they were using; 90% of enterprises were planning to increase their use of AI in the following year. As with most other digital experiences, the need to balance personalization with privacy remains a top priority.
That’s precisely where the benefit of AI technology comes in. It’s known for building brand loyalty by predicting future consumer behavior through advanced data and analytics.
The Post-Pandemic Niche Market (7:26)
This pandemic has cemented the fact that that most marketing and most advertising and most user touch points are becoming more and more personalized.
One thing Onabule has observed through the pandemic is how niche things have gotten in the industry. The more general messaging in terms of digital marketing has given way to much more specified messaging. Everything from partnering with influencers to engaging your audience through social media has changed.
Indeed many businesses moved to niche markets to focus their efforts on the needs and preferences of their target audience. According to Shopify, some of the most common ways to define a niche are based on price; demographics; level of quality; psychographics; and geographics. From there, you can further define your audience and design their experience accordingly.
Listen Carefully (9:00)
It’d be great if clients had a better understanding of what avenues are available to successfully bring a product to market.
If Onabule could make a change in the industry, it would be to foster a mutual understanding of what’s possible in a campaign. “It doesn’t necessarily mean [clients] have to go out and spend a ton on advertising but more to put money or put the time or put the care into places that matter most,” Onabule says. This involves directing the right product or service to the correct audience.
There are many methods to create a successful martech campaign, whether through social media, user generated content, video, even email.
“It’s surprising the amount of time that agencies spend telling a client what to do and how they should do it and where the spend should go and where the effort should go,” Onabule says. “More often than not if you take the time to listen to clients you’ll uncover these little gems of of insights and and understanding about their specific needs.”
To learn more about Luna and story-first thinking, visit their website and follow them on LinkedIn and Instagram. To keep up with Tayo Onabule, follow him on LinkedIn.
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