Not every blog post you publish will have the same level of success. Some articles may far outshine the rest. These posts are likely your most important content, and if you’re not promoting them, you may miss out on a lot of additional traffic. As such, you’ll want to take extra steps to market them, like incorporating them into your email campaigns or social media posts.
In this article, we’ll go over three ways to promote your pre-existing, high-performing blog content. Let’s get to it!
1. Share Your Blog Posts in Email Campaigns
If you’re a blogger, you can likely benefit from running an email campaign to market your content. This is especially true if you have a sizable email list.
You can reach out to this list when you want to promote new content and drive traffic back to the blog. What’s more, keeping in touch with subscribers is a great way to keep readers engaged.
On top of that, you can use these email campaigns to share your best-performing blog posts. Some blogs do this with regular emails highlighting popular content readers might have missed.
The goal here is to reach any of your loyal readers who may have overlooked a high-performing post by accident. While you’re at it, you can ask subscribers to share the content on social media. If your blog has social sharing functionality, this should be as easy as clicking on a button.
If you don’t have an email list, it’s a good idea to start building one. Fortunately, getting started with email marketing is pretty straightforward.
2. Create Social Media Videos
Another way you can further promote a successful blog post is by creating a complementary social media video for it. This approach aims to get your content in front of users who tend to prefer visual media, but may be persuaded to read your full article after seeing a teaser reel.
This can be as easy as recording yourself talking about the blog post, and summarizing its main points. Of course, you might not want to reveal the full contents of the post, otherwise viewers may be less inclined to read it.
For instance, you could withhold some of the most valuable lessons or details, and prompt people to click on your article to get the full story. Alternatively, if you’re camera-shy, you can offer up a slightly more produced video:
To do this, you’ll want to use tools such as Canva or Animoto, which offer free plans and enable you to create videos using social media templates.
You can use relevant images or source video snippets, then pair them with simple voiceovers to share condensed versions of your blog posts. If you don’t like using your own voice, there are even workarounds for that. TikTok, for example, includes the option to use robot voiceovers for any text you provide during video creation.
When creating this type of video for social media, make sure to always point your viewer in the direction of your full blog post. You can include a shortened link in a post’s description or redirect them to your bio for a link tree that includes it.
3. Design Infographics Summarizing Your Article
If video isn’t for you, there are other ways to promote blog content on social media. One of our favorite approaches is using infographics, which can help you break down the core message of a blog post:
In this way, you can condense complex topics into simplified visuals, appealing to users who might not be convinced to read a full post otherwise.
Of course, it’s important to note that this approach doesn’t work for every scenario, because not all article topics lend themselves well to an infographic. Moreover, creating an infographic takes time, whether you’re an experienced designer or you’re using a beginner-friendly tool that helps you create these visuals.
If you’re not sure where to begin when it comes to creating an infographic, check out this list of graphic design tools you can use (even without any design experience). All of them include templates for infographics, which you can easily customize with visual editors.
As with all the other strategies on this list, you’ll want to make sure to link to the original article in this promotional post.
From time to time, you’ll publish a blog article that outperforms the rest of your content. When that happens, it’s smart to try and drive as much attention to it as possible, as viral posts can help take your blog to the next level. There are a lot of ways to do this, including using email campaigns, social media videos, and infographics.
Do you have any questions about how to promote your successful blog content? Let’s talk about them in the comments section below!
Image by Werner Moser
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